I attended the Buffalo Urban League Gala last November with my Soror, BFF & Prayer Partner. As we were leaving saying our 100 good byes as we headed towards the elevators, I heard someone call my name.
I turned around to see two classmates from the greatest high school in Buffalo — Buffalo Academy for Visual and Performing Arts. Yes, I had to shout them out (LOL). It had been a few years since we saw each other. My BFF kept walking while I stopped and exchanged pleasantries.
One of them said, we must take a picture. Before I could get my phone out, my BFF said “Did someone say picture?” She took my phone while we got our pose together and snapped it for us. “Beautiful,” she said.
I did not notice she was paying attention, let alone could hear the, “We must take a picture comment.” Although she was a few steps ahead, she was still within range to help me with my need. It reminded me how important it is to be connected to the one who is always within earshot of your needs and can step in before you even have to ask Him.
We cannot see God, sometimes we aren’t sure if we can even hear Him correctly. But one thing I want to you to be clear on throughout 2020, is He is ALWAYS within an earshot of our needs and takes great joy in delivering abundant blessings.
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