Ahh…nothing like the warm mid-day spring breeze and cloudy days to remind us that winter is finally over. Everyone may not appreciate the rain that comes with the new season, however, it is the rain that helps give life to our seeds.
We have all heard “April showers bring May flowers,” but I ask you this- who exactly planted those flower seeds in the first place? And if flowers are indeed growing soon, shouldn’t we prepare our own internal gardens for the new season to bloom?
Champions, this month I would love you to join my Seeds of Faith Gardening Club. There are always going to be opportunities to grow and areas of your life to nurture. Each of your individual goals are the seeds that we will be planting this month and watering all of April to grow next month and thrive for the rest of the year!
Through our Empower, Activate Tackle methodology, I am giving you everything that you will need in order to sow your seeds of faith. These tools will help you to cultivate your goals and expand your garden of faith.
- Empower: reflect on your life and choose an area that you want to grow in.
- Activate: come up with a measurable goal for your growth area that you would like to plant; and put it into a firm sentence.
- Tackle: water your seeds with prayer and by taking action and be dedicated to watching it grow.
Champions, I ask you! Will you sow your own Seeds of Faith with me this month?
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